Artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia
Artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia

artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia

Data is explained and presented systematically in accordance with the reality on the ground or in accordance with the facts so as to provide an objective depiction of factual conditions rather than topics or objects of study in order to understand the quality of public services and factors that inhibit the improvement of the quality of public services in Karanggeger Village of Probolinggo Regency. The type of research conducted is qualitative descriptive qualitative with the aim of getting an appropriate description or depiction of the problem or research topic, which in this study the topic is the quality of public service in the village office. Suharto (2005) stated, "a characteristic of the process of building social welfare including complete and thorough with the meaning of all social aspect services held always treat consumers of applicants or beneficearies as a whole human being, either in the sense of an individual or group, which is not separated from the socio-cultural environmental system". In addition, to create "good governance" which aspect of accountability is a principle that must take precedence over the implementation of government, therefore, public services that are passed such as public sector excellent services are an obligation that must be done immediately. Similarly, the national reform movement, which does not mean anything if the service to the public mash is less feasible. Public service or service to the community is an important element that can be used as an indication of the success of government leadership. Village Government, Public Service, Quality, Pemerintah Desa, Pelayanan Publik, Kualitas Abstract The research subjects understand their duties and functions as teachers(institution Asset, facilitator, motivator, mediator, and creator) in the teaching andlearning process.Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi “ Bayuangga “ Probolinggo

artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia

The research subjects were able to understand the qualityof human resources management capabilities and strength of institutions in improvingteacher quality through the transformation of the quality management of humanresources. The quality of human resources managementmodel developed by Principals effective enough to increase the empowerment ofteachers in the fourth MI. Subject devotion capable ofimplementing the quality management model of human resources fitted to thecharacteristics of each institution. In the beginning, the madrasah four management modelsare clerical, after empowering the community service program, the fourth madrasahmanagement models to increase to managerial model. Relative activity ofteacher empowerment through developing quality human resources managementmodel in order to improve the quality of madrasah in Sub district Diwek Jombang, canbe summarized as follows: 1. Al-Urwatul Wutsqo Bulurejo, MIPerguruan Muallimat in PP Walisongo Cukir, MI Tarbiyatul Aulad Bandung inGebang Malang Bandung and MI Ar-Rohman Nglaban Bendet. Activities meant to show that the provision of teachers aseducators very great concern in efforts to achieve the quality of the success of learners.Quality Management aims to develop human resources empowerment of teachers whoare expected to engage actively pushing to improve the quality of schools/madrasah.This devotion performed on MI Urwatul Wusqo PP. Implementation of management education personnel(teachers and staff) in Indonesia according Mulyasa, at least include workforce planning, procurement personnel, dismissal of personnel, coaching and development, promotion and assessment. Principals have responsibilityfor improving the quality of teachers in achieving its objectives in addition to thegovernment's obligations. The success of education at the school is largely determined by success in managingthe head of the educational staff in schools/madrasah.

Artikel transformasi manajemen sumber daya manusia